
USPS Mail is Required

A very small amount of cremation ash remains is used in your piece. In most cases, 1 tsp can make up to 10 large marbles. USPS is the only carrier that legally allows shipping cremation ashes. Please follow the instructions below in preparing and sending your ashes.

USPS Instructions

We’re not picky, but USPS is the only legal way to send cremation remains. Instructions from USPS are provided here. Important takeaways are that it must be secure in a sift-proof container and have “Label 139” which can be obtained at your local post office.

Mail package to:

USA Cremation Glass
680 W. Dallas St., Ste 5
Canton, TX 75103


Remains which are not used will be sent back to you with your finished pieces in the container we received them in. Marbles and other glass art will be individually bubble wrapped. If there are any problems, please let us know right away.